Concepted, art directed, and animated this campaign celebrating 100 years of Planned Parenthood and its achievements.

UPDATE: just keep on scrolling...

Animated Social Posts

Out-of-Home Posters

The campaign and messaging works great for a celebratory campaign, but then came November 9th...

In today's post-election atmosphere, support for Planned Parenthood is stronger than ever. Its future is uncertain.
Here's an idea that is more appropriate to what Planned Parenthood really needs: your voice.

(donations are always welcome, too)



In each of the five boroughs, we will plant a recording booth in a high-traffic area for Planned Parenthood users to share their voice(s) about the organization. 

Confidentiality is key. Windows will be tinted to protect users’ identity, and we will stress the need for their permission before using generate content. Our goal is to collect as many stories as we can and send a compilation to key representatives as proof of overwhelming support. Additional posters and collateral can also be made from interesting sound bites.


In addition to soundbooths, we will collect stories through the campaign's microsite. Users will have the opportunity to record their story online via webcam, or sign up for a time slot to visit a nearby storybooth in their borough.